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Minimal Spring Boot online-shopping.

This is an online shopping project using Spring Boot,Spring web-flow, Spring Rest Services and Hibernate. In this project we also used Spring Security with java and annotation configuration


For building and running the application you need:

Runnig this project

  1. Clone this project
  2. create databases schema in mysql - online_shopping_db
  3. edit username and password in file
  4. Run Project One time using Spring boot command - mvn spring-boot:run or using eclipse IDE run as Java Application
  5. Run this Query in mysql
      insert into online_shopping_db.user_detail(contact_number,email,enabled,first_name,last_name,password,role) values ('9876543210','',true,'admin','admin','$2a$10$6UVHQoHhpoYZxBB.k9r.deSLTT0RD1Yk8GdggRywGw0Snr8syRDtG','ADMIN')

    Password = 123456(in encoded Form)

  6. Then Again run project using boot
  7. create user by signup


The[] site contains several guides that show how to use Spring Boot step-by-step:

enjoy my friends